I know I am way behind when it comes to the open theism debate. I haven't paid much attention. But I was reading over some of Pinnock's articles today, and maybe it is because I am already a total heretic, but most of it just didn't seem that threatening to me. How about this:

By delegating power to the creature, God chooses to become vulnerable. Had God actualized a determined world, everything would have been controlled. But as it is, God took the risk that freedom might be abused and that the creature might decide to work against God's purposes. In such a universe, God's plans can be adversely affected by perversity and disobedience. God accepts the risks that accompany genuine relationship. Though ontologically strong, God chooses to become "weak" by the decision to create a significant world God would not control. God decided to work within a history whose outcome is not predetermined and to rule over a world that is able to resist.

This view helps us deal with the problem of evil. God made a world where evil was possible but not inevitable. We can say that God did not ordain moral evil but that it arose from the misuse of freedom. Ours is a world in which God does not normally override human decisions but lets them play out, because God regards them as significant. God may be responsible for creating a world with moral agents capable of rebelling, but God is not to blame for what human beings do with their freedom. The gift of freedom is costly and carries precariousness with it. But to make a world with free beings is surely a worthwhile thing to do.

A God who gives up his right to sovereignty so that humans can experience true freedom thereby giving birth to real Love. Sounds good to me. At the root of it is power, and the revelation of the divine nature in regard to power. God simply doesn't grasp it and force it and wield it like the "rulers of the world" do.

Perhaps we admire too highly power to force others to do our will. God's power is greater than the power of coercion. It is the power to make agents who are creators in their own right and the power to continue to rule even when they work against God. We are wrong to measure the greatness of power by a standard of compulsion. This is to confuse sovereignty with the excessive omnipotence of tyranny, which deploys itself against other powers, never alongside them. We have to realize that God wills and loves the existence of free creatures and delights in all their possibilities.

This stuff relates massively to care for the poor and the gospel of peace.