Here is a quote I like that relates well to the previous post:

Americans see the isolated individual as the source of all moral virtue and society as nothing more than a collection of these individuals. Evangelicalism implicitly agreed. It spoke eloquently of saving individuals; but it did not take seriously what these individuals were saved into. They preached the gospel of the individuals rightly enough; but as true Americans, they did not see that God might intend to go further and make a people out of these persons. Evangelicalism sought to transform people and so transform the world. They did not see that something might be missing from this vision, something their assumption of American individualism would hide from them. The true Christian vision is to transform people, transforming them into a people, and so transform the world. The evengelicals missed that middle term. They could not see the church as a foretast of the new society; it was a club for the new individuals. The evangelicals simply dressed up American individualism in Christian clothing. They ended up with the new isolated individuals, but in the old society. ("The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Evangelicalism," Voices in the Wilderness, July '86).

I found that quote in Frank Viola's book, Re-thinking the Wineskin.